To bring to life ICA’s proven ability to add value and raise the sights of any executive team, our signature offerings and an illustrative sample company engagement vignette are offered below to highlight what’s possible when ICA brings the “fresh wind” of objectivity, high expectations, and proven experience to bear on the forward-looking prospects for client companies that may be stable but underperforming given their opportunities and markets.
CEO/COO Coaching
(also mentoring for new or potential CEO/COO)
One-on-one counsel, development, general management and leadership equipping, encouragement, accountability, and brainstorming with experienced successful CEO or COO. High standards, based on resource stewardship and servant leadership.
Video: ICA's consultants are proven, practical, hands-on senior executives with years of successful leadership experience in both turnaround and growth environments with leading midsized and larger companies. We combine best-in-class performance and worthy servant leadership... proven to produce great results and loyal stakeholders.
Varies with need; face-to-face or phone; monthly, bi-weekly, quarterly; full-day, half-day, or 2-3 hrs.
Retained Executive Search
Proprietary, best-in-class process, used to recruit hundreds of successful executives… yields superb professionally-engaged candidates, with “concierge” features, an industry-leading 18-month candidate success guarantee, and post-hire 360º degree feedback within the first year into the job.
27% of first year cash comp with no add-ons or surprises
Fresh Look / Company Assessment
Strategic/operational/organizational appraisal of company and business model strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities… objective review of performance vs. opportunity, key executive interviews, bench marking of company performance (growth/operational/ROA) vs. best-in-class peers/competitors. Applies to both turnarounds and jump starting incremental performance
Typically 2-3 days
Strategic Planning Facilitation
Engage senior executive team in strategy development, clarification of guiding principles, objectively assess current status/trends, identify issues/opportunities/gaps/plans to be addressed, define 3-5 year strategic objectives, ensure key team buy-in/actions/accountability going forward.
Typically 2-3 days
Executive team, organizational blueprint, core competency analysis, organization planning disciplines, succession issues, delegation, collaboration/teamwork, identifying dysfunction, compensation & performance management, communications, workplace culture, board governance, stakeholder relations/loyalty/impact.
Organization Assessment
Varies widely based on need/scope
Organization Development
Assess executive team members (and potential successors) for potential, capacity, capability, fit, and desire. Uncover/address shortcomings or team dysfunction with awareness, personal coaching/equipping, team facilitation or, when needed, replacement (internal or retained search).
Video: Long-term business success rises and falls with the quality and unity of company leadership! Compared to the best firms in your industry, how does your executive team stack-up? How objectively have you assessed and invested in this most consequential of company resources?
Varies widely based on need/scope
Operational Assessment & Improvement Consulting
Look at execution performance, continuous improvement, lean/six-sigma, 80/20 discipline, monthly sales & operating plan attainment, cost/quality/responsiveness vs. industry/potential, overarching integration of business performance metrics to link sales/marketing with operations, supply chain management, etc.
Varies widely based on need/scope
M&A Due Diligence & Integration/Value-Added Planning
Assist with pre-close investigation, analysis, and planning and post-close integration and execution with Newco footprint and performance in mind.
Varies widely based on need/scope
Company Sale/Ownership Succession
Come alongside majority owner (or Board) to enable well-planned liquefying of equity as part of a project that may recruit an appropriate buyer and operating leadership successor. In tandem with our established public accounting and tax advisory colleagues, ICA is able to shepherd such projects in ways that deliver a successful transaction and hand-off while saving the owner 50% versus typical business broker fees.
Varies widely based on client needs/goals, typically requiring 6-12 months overall.